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Longer Cochlear Implant Electrode Arrays Associated With Better Speech Perception
9 Reasons Why Cochlear Implant Electrodes Matter

A cochlear implant electrode serves not only as a crucial bridge between technology and nature that connects recipients to sound. The electrode array can significantly impact hearing outcomes. For instance, there is now growing consensus among researchers that stimulating more of the cochlea is associated with better speech perception and music appreciation. Here is the latest research you need to know to ensure each of your patients can benefit the most from their cochlear implant.

Anatomy-Based Fitting: A New Tool for Improving Place-Pitch Match
Anatomy-Based Fitting: A New Tool for Improving Place-Pitch Match

Clinicians are just starting to discover the great potential of anatomy-based fitting, an approach to cochlear implant frequency mapping that only MED-EL offers as part of our fitting software, MAESTRO, which is available to clinicians. It is the next step forward in providing cochlear implant recipients closer to natural hearing. As a new feature introduced with the release of MAESTRO 9.0, anatomy-based fitting (ABF) allows you to align the frequency map stimulated by the CI to the natural place-pitch frequency map in the cochlea as best as possible.