With the global population of 7.8 billion expected to reach 9.9 billion by 2050, the challenges for healthcare systems are well documented. However, as the population ages this adds a further layer of complexity. The United Nations note that in the next 30 years the percentage of adults over 60 will rise to 21.4% from
MED-EL is committed to providing the highest level of safety and security to our recipients, professional partners and employees. Accordingly, MED-EL rapidly established a COVID-19 response team in January 2020 and already began taking action at the beginning of February—long before many other multinational companies within the industry and over a month before the World
People with Congenital Microtia-Atresia (CMA) have malformations of the pinna and the external auditory canal. Often the middle ear anatomy is also affected and shows abnormalities. The vast majority of children born with CMA have moderate to severe conductive hearing loss from the very beginning of their lives. We all know that this has an