Published Apr 26, 2017
Rehabilitation Lesson Kit #2: My Kitchen

Ready for more free rehabilitation resources? This month we’re headed to the kitchen with hands-on rehabilitation activities in our latest rehabilitation lesson kit!
Who are these lesson kits for? If you’re an audiologist, speech & language therapist, rehabilitation specialist, or any other professional that works with children with hearing loss, these rehabilitation resources are made for you.
We created this series of themed lesson kits to support rehabilitation sessions with young children. Every month, we’ll be sharing a new themed lesson kit and they’ll always be free to use and share.
Each lesson kit is themed (home, animals, transport, etc.) and has multiple activities that can be used over several sessions with each child. And every lesson kit has three levels, so that you can tailor it to the abilities of each child.
Get your free full lesson kit download at the bottom of this post—and don’t forget to subscribe!
The second lesson kit is now available in French! Les Cahiers de leçons n°2 “Ma Cuisine” pour les orthophonistes sont maintenant disponible en français ! Vous pouvez les télécharger gratuitement à la fin de cet article.
The second lesson kit is now available in Portuguese! O segundo Livro de Lições esta agora disponível para baixar em português! Você pode baixar o plano de trabalho “Minha Cozinha” no final desse artigo.
The second lesson kit is now available in Russian! Второе занятие теперь стало доступно на русском языке! Вы можете загрузить занятие “НА КУХНЕ” внизу этой страницы.
My Kitchen
Lesson kit #2 is themed “My Kitchen” and focuses on familiar food items and task in the kitchen—including a fun recipe for children to try at home.
This comprehensive lesson kit is designed to be printed and reused. This kit has lesson plans with detailed therapist notes and a range of activities for each of the three levels. There’s print resources and step-by-step guidance for each activity. We’ve also included useful strategies in each lesson to help achieve the listening and language goals.
- Step-by-step guides
- 4 “My Kitchen” themed activities
- 20+ pages of high-quality illustrations
- Detailed therapy notes
- Lesson plans for each level
- Listening goals
- Spoken language goals
- Cognition and theory of the mind goals
- Key therapy strategies
Each lesson kit has three levels to cover a wide range of listening, spoken language, and cognition abilities.
Level 1
- The child is learning to listen and attend to 1 unit of information. Spoken language is presented to the child in simple short sentences and acoustic highlighting techniques utilized to enable the child to attend to new information.
- The child is using single words, has a vocabulary of up to 200 words, and may be starting to combine words into 2 word combinations.
Level 2
- The child is learning to listen and attend to 2 units of information. Spoken language is presented in longer sentences and acoustic highlighting techniques are utilized to encourage the child to attend to all the information in the sentence.
- The child is producing 2 to 3 word combinations, has a vocabulary of 200 to 2000 words, and is beginning to use some grammatical markers.
Level 3
- The child is a proficient listener, learning to attend to 3 units of information. Spoken language is presented in a variety of complex sentences and acoustic highlighting techniques are utilized to encourage the child to attend to grammatical elements in the sentence.
- The child is producing 3 to 5 word sentences and questions, has a vocabulary of more than 2000 words, and is using a variety of grammatical markers.
Share and Download
All of the lesson kits will be available free of charge—we’re here to support your work and the success of every recipient. They can be printed, emailed, shared with colleagues, and even given to parents as supplemental at-home rehabilitation resources between sessions.
We’ll post a new lesson kit for download every month here on our Professionals Blog. There’s no deadline for downloading these rehabilitation resources, so you can easily find and share previous lesson kits. These lesson kits are available in multiple languages.

Let us know what you think or if you need the kit in a different language in the comments below. And of course, we’re sure your colleagues would love these lesson kits—help them out and share today!
*We’d like these kits to help as many people as possible, so the Themed Lesson Kits may be shared openly for fair usage. However, MED-EL retains full rights to the material, so the content may not be altered, rebranded, or repurposed for commercial use.
**Not all products, features, or indications for age shown are available in all areas. Please contact your local MED-EL representative for more information.
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The content on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please contact your doctor or hearing specialist to learn what type of hearing solution is suitable for your specific needs. Not all products, features, or indications shown are approved in all countries.