
MED-EL Adult Rehabilitation Kit 4: Families – What do they like doing?

Adult Rehabilitation Kit - Rehabilitation Activities

Released today is the fourth Adult Rehabilitation Kit (ARK), which is the last in the “Families” series. As with the previous ARKs, this resource includes a quick and easy placement guide to support you to select appropriate therapy goals and tasks for the recipient, tips for providing cochlear implant rehabilitation to adults, a session plan with therapy goals, three activities with step-by-step instructions and all of the materials required for the session.

The ARKs were designed to make cochlear implant rehabilitation with adults fun and interesting for the recipient and easy to prepare for professionals.

Adjustable Bingo Activity

Included in “Adult Rehabilitation Kit 4: Families – What do they like doing?” is a bingo activity. This activity allows the recipient to practice identifying words of differing lengths, syllable number, and with similar or contrasting sounds. During this activity, you may easily make the task easier or more difficult depending on the recipient’s performance, by reducing or increasing the set size. The set size is the number of choices from which the recipient can select the correct answer.

Adjust Rehabilitation Activities to Challenge and Motivate

Delivering listening practice at just the right level by adjusting activities during the session based on the recipient’s performance is vital to achieve therapy targets and maintain recipient motivation. Adapting activities ensures the recipient is always challenged in order to continue to develop their skills, but that tasks remain attainable, so the recipient achieves success. Changing the set size is just one way to adapt listening activities depending the recipient’s performance. More about how to make listening activities easier or more challenging can be found on page 4 in this ARK.

New ARKs on the topic of “The World” will be released in the coming months. Make sure to check back here or subscribe to the MED-EL Professionals Blog below so you don’t miss them!

You can also download all of the previous Adult Rehabilitation Kits here:

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