Published Jun 21, 2024
Peace of Mind for a Lifetime: MED-EL’s Global MRI Guarantee

More than 100,000 MRI scans are performed every day in the United States. That means it is very likely that your patient with a hearing implant will end up inside the powerful magnetic field of an MRI scanner. When that time comes, you and your patient should feel confident that their MRI can be completed:
- Safely
- Easily
- Reliably
Great Protection. Guaranteed.
What better way is there to give your patients and yourself peace of mind for the future than by providing them with a lifelong MRI guarantee?* At MED-EL, we are so confident in the MRI safety† of our technology that we are the first and only hearing implant company to offer such a guarantee.
When scanned according to instructions, MED-EL’s multichannel cochlear implant and BONEBRIDGE implants are covered by a lifetime global guarantee against:
- Implant damage
- Implant magnet dislocation
- Implant magnet demagnetization
- Implant damage due to magnet removal
Forward Thinking, Backward Compatible
When considering MRI safety, we should not think solely about what is possible for today’s most advanced implants. Instead, we must also think about what is realistically going to be encountered every day by radiologists, clinicians, and recipients.
As you have probably seen in your clinic, many recipients are using a hearing implant that is 5, 10, or even 20+ years old. This means that the majority of hearing implant recipients who are undergoing an MRI were likely implanted with earlier-generation magnet technology.
For that reason, our MRI guarantee is valid for all MED-EL multichannel cochlear implants from as far back as 1994, as well as the BCI 601 and 602 bone conduction implants. This is in addition to the standard 10-year warranty on the internal device.
No other hearing implant manufacturer offers this level of confidence for legacy recipients.
Regardless of date of implantation, all recipients and their healthcare providers deserve a safe, straightforward MRI experience. This is why the MED-EL Global MRI Guarantee is so important for you, your patients, radiologists, and other clinicians.
- Immediate access to MRI
- Safe, comfortable experience
- Time & resource savings for healthcare providers and patients
- Peace of mind & reliability

Keep Calm and Scan On
For more than 25 years, MED-EL has engineered our cochlear implants and bone conduction implants to offer reliable MRI safety. We are proud to have never had a reported case of magnet dislocation when scanning conditions are followed.
If having peace of mind about MRI safety is important to you or your patients, then we’ve got you covered with our MRI Guarantee. Your patients will have hassle-free access to MRI with no hearing downtime, without surgery (unless magnet removal is required for diagnostic reasons), and with the confidence that MED-EL will replace the implant in the very unlikely event that it’s damaged during an MRI scan.
With MED-EL hearing implants, your patients will have great protection. Lifelong. Worldwide. Guaranteed.
Subscribe & Share
Looking for our detailed MRI instructions? Read the full MRI conditions for all MED-EL implants at medel.com/isi before performing an MRI.
Are you interested in how MED-EL is able to provide exceptional MRI safety? Read our blog post about how magnet design and retention within the implant impact MRI safety.
Do you have any more questions about having an MRI with MED-EL hearing implants? Let us know with our simple contact form.
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* The terms and conditions of the MRI guarantee can be found here.
† MED-EL cochlear implants since 1994 are MR conditional. Recipients with a MED-EL cochlear implant may be safely MRI scanned following the conditions detailed in the Medical Procedures Manual.
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