Events & Education

MED-EL: Proud Platinum Sponsor at the ACIA Conference

Earlier this summer, the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACIA) hosted their yearly conference for clinicians, surgeons, scientists, and advocates invested in increasing access to cochlear implant technology. MED-EL was proud to play a pivotal role as a Platinum sponsor at the conference, hosting two symposia as well as showcasing the latest technologies at our booth.

In our first symposium, we shared how our pioneering technologies empower surgeons and audiologists to best match each individual’s cochlear implant to their unique anatomy. Clinicians can leverage both OTOPLAN and Anatomy-Based Fitting to first select the right electrode array for their client, and then program those electrodes based on their precise implanted location. Later, we revealed the launch of our newest electrode array, FLEX34, that is the longest option available in the market. This gives our clinicians the opportunity to match a patient’s cochlear implant more closely to their individual anatomy than ever before.

Our featured speakers for the evening were:

  • Darla Franz, MA VP Strategy, Learning and Communication, MED-EL Corp
  • Katelyn Glassman, AuD Sr Mgr. Site-Initiated Research, MED-EL Corp
  • Luke Helpard, PhD Research Engineer, MED-EL Canada
  • Katie Plum, AuD Lead Audiologist University of Kansas Health System
  • Richard Gurgel, MD University of Utah Health System

To round out the night, we announced our upcoming collaboration with Starkey and it quickly became a hot topic throughout the conference. We look forward to sharing more details about new bimodal streaming experiences as we work together with Starkey to bring them to our current and future recipients.

During our second symposium, MED-EL focused on exploring two leading-edge topics in the world of hearing healthcare. We began by providing insights into treatment options and outcomes for children with mixed and conductive hearing loss using BONEBRIDGE and OTOPLAN. These newly integrated technologies are designed to enhance confidence in surgical planning for this young population and promise to revolutionize the way clinicians approach treatment and care. Beyond surgical planning, we highlighted the benefits of Remote Care for cochlear implant recipients. With the introduction of our innovative smartphone app, patients are now empowered with deeper insights and a greater understanding of their implant systems—a leap forward in patient autonomy and care management. We were so grateful to feature the following speakers at this event:

  • Angela Nasto, VP Marketing, MED-EL Corp
  • Kevin Vukovich, MS Product Manager BONEBRIDGE & Vibrant, MED-EL Headquarters
  • Scott Brown, MD Atlanta Institute for ENT
  • Allison Racey, AuD VP of Clinical Research, MED-EL Corp
  • Enrique Perez, MD MBA New York Eye and Ear of Mount Sinai
  • Jennifer Robinson, MS Head of Product Management, MED-EL Headquarters
  • Samantha Scharf, AuD University of North Carolina

At our booth, attendees were able to preview our leading technology and learn more about MED-EL’s innovative approach to finding hearing solutions. We offered demonstrations of how OTOPLAN is changing clinical practice for the better, equipping our audiologists with the tools to individualize their patients’ care. They also had the opportunity to learn more about our new bimodal enhancements.

Several audiologists and surgeons also presented MED-EL supported data during the conference on a variety of topics such as the use of imaging in device selection, anatomy-based fitting for traditional and EAS candidates, optimizing programming, and expanding cochlear implant indications. We appreciate the expertise of the clinicians and their willingness to share information that will help our patients reach their hearing potential faster.

We had a great time meeting so many of you and exchanging our knowledge and research. To everyone who attended one of our symposia or stopped by the booth, we’re grateful for your support! See you next year!


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